إسأل Licensed Doctor الآن

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%


Doctor my 1 year old baby have cold and warm not...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
Doctor my 1 year old baby have cold and warm not fever and vomiting whenever i give him food

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إجابة الخبير: Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.9%

What are the methods of treating vomiting in children
You should go to the nearest medical center for some medical tests, where the specialist will prescribe a treatment such as a remedy to relieve nausea and rewind according to the doctor's prescription, such as Pramin inside the Medical Center . You should also commit to providing your child with nutrition in stages and drinking hot herbs on a daily basis . In cases of intestinal catarrh and abdominal pain, pain relief treatments such as Spasmofree with an antibiotic are prescribed in cases of bacterial infections, such as protozol therapy .
Necessary medical examinations in cases of vomiting in children
A clinical medical examination should be carried out at your nearest medical center , to detect any signs or symptoms of illness such as diarrhea or signs of dehydration . The doctor also orders tests such as a complete blood test and stool examination to look for bacterial or viral infection . In other cases, the doctor will order a television abdominal X-ray to look at any organic cause, such as inflammation or intestinal obstruction .
What are the causes of vomiting in children
  • Stomach infections .
  • Intestinal catarrh .
  • Parasitic infections .
  • Appendicitis infections .
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Food poisoning .
  • Bacterial infections .

Advice at the moment :
I advise you to take tests with the need to be examined by a pediatrician

إسأل Licensed Doctor

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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