إسأل طبيب الآن

الدكتور علي الطويل

الدكتور علي الطويل


الأسئلة المجابة 37599 | نسبة الرضا 97.9%


Good night sir I have a ringworm which is the...

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Good night sir I have a ringworm which is the best medicine

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إجابة الخبير: الدكتور علي الطويل

الدكتور علي الطويل

الدكتور علي الطويل


الأسئلة المجابة 37599 | نسبة الرضا 97.6%

Treatment of ringworm:
Well, ringworm is a fungal infection that can stay alive on clothing, bedding, and elsewhere as long as their food supply (dead skin cells) is present, and they have a moist and warm environment. Spores can live for as long as 12 to 20 months in the right environment. So the treatment will be an antifungat medications such as miconazole. Furthermore, it's recommended to wash your bedding everyday because ringworms are highly contagious and their spores can transfer to your sheets and can also infect your partner, use hot water along with detergent to kill the fungus, try to change wet underwear and socks as well as Using an antifungal shampoo.

How long it takes befeor it is completely gone ?

Actually, there is no specific time ot set limit for this infection. With treatment it can clear up within 2-4 weeks from the start of treatment.

Causes of ringworms:

dermatophytes which means a skin fungi. An infection with these fungi is medically known as dermatophytosis. Skin fungi can only live on the dead layer of keratin protein on top of the skin. They rarely invade deeper into the body and cannot live on mucous membranes, such as those in the mouth or vagina.

Clinical faetures of ringworm:

It causes a scaly, crusted rash that may appear as round, ring-like red patches on the skin. Other symptoms might include patches of hair loss or scaling on the scalp, itching, and blister-like lesions


It's recommended to follow the previous recommendation as well as to visit your family doctor.

إسأل طبيب

الدكتور علي الطويل

الدكتور علي الطويل


الأسئلة المجابة 37599 | نسبة الرضا 97.9%

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