إسأل Attorney الآن

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad


الأسئلة المجابة 80029 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%


I want to come in canada for a house keeping job...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
I want to come in canada for a house keeping job Can you help me anyway????
Lawyer's Assistant: Where are you located? It matters because laws vary by location
I am in libya now
Lawyer's Assistant: Has anything been filed or reported?
Lawyer's Assistant: Anything else you want the lawyer to know before I connect you?

إطرح سؤالك

إجابة الخبير: Doaa Abd El-Jawwad

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad


الأسئلة المجابة 80029 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%

Welcome, Thank you for joining us,
with all respect and appreciation to you,
According to the mentioned facts, I would like to clarify to you that
You can apply for immigration through the website of the Canadian ministry of immigration:
Note that the immigration system of Canada depends on points. Regarding the suitable program ( in case of not having sufficient money) is the program of the professions and experiences required in Canada. For example:
- Professions of health care, doctors and nurses
- The high certificates and who graduated from the Canadian universities two years ago.
- Master and PHD certificates
- Professions which do not require certificates such as the tourism domain or transportation
           You can get the immigration visa to Canada the website
To be eligible for immigration, you should collect 67 degree or more:
First, education:
For the higher qualifications,
(To hold 2 Bachelor's with a total of 15 years in education (22 degrees)
Holds a bachelor's degree of two years or more with a total of 14 years in education (20 degrees)
(To hold a bachelor's degree of one year with a total of 13 years in education (15 degrees)
As for craftsmen, choose one of the following:
( to hold a three-year vocational training diploma with a total of 15 years in education (22 degrees)
( to hold a two-year vocational training diploma with a total of 14 years in education (20 degrees)
Holds a professional training diploma for one year with a total of 13 years in education (15 degrees)
Holds a professional training diploma for one year with a total of 12 years in education (12 degrees)
The highest level of education is a high school (5 degrees)
Second, the language,
1-English or French
If you choose English, then you need to pass the general IELTS exam.
You will get 4 grades for each branch to reach the upper level, two degrees for each branch to reach the middle level, and one degree for each branch up to the basic level (maximum two degrees)
The distribution of points based on the IELTS result is as follows
For listening:
7.5 and above = 4 degrees -------------------- 7 - 5.5 = 2 degrees ------------------- - 5 - 4.5 = one degree -------------------- Less than that = zero
For reading:
6.5 and above = 4 degrees for each branch -------------------- 6 - 5 = 2 degrees ----------------- --- 4.5 - 3.5 = one degree -------------------- Less than that = 0
For writing: 6.5 and above = 4 degrees for each branch -------------------- 6 - 5.5 = 2 degrees -------------- ------ 5 - 4 = one degree -------------------- Less than that = zero
For speaking:
6.5 and above = 4 degrees for each branch -------------------- 6 - 5.5 = 2 degrees ----------------- --- 5 - 4 = one degree -------------------- Less than that = zero
1. B) Second language (English or French)
If you choose your French, you need to pass the TEF exam first
You will get 2 degrees for each branch to reach the upper or middle level, you will get one grade for each branch to reach the basic level (maximum of two degrees)
Third, experience
Tha: Experience
Work experience 1 year = 15 degrees
Experience two years = 17 degrees
Experience 3 years = 19 degrees
Experience 4 years or more = 21 degrees
Fourth: Age
16 years or less = 0
17 years = 2 degrees
18 years = 4 degrees
19 years = 6 degrees
20 years = 8 degrees
21 years - 49 years = 10 degrees
50 years = 8 degrees
51 years = 6 degrees
52 years = 4 degrees
53 years = 2 degrees
54 years or more = 0
Fifth, employment contract
You need to get Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Employment contract certified of 10 degrees, you will get Zero if there is no certified employment contract.
Sixth, adaptation,
1-the companion: the husband or wife who hold Master or PHD with 5 points. Or a Bachelor degree, or profession degree for more than two years =4 points. However, if the certificate is only for one year of education after high school=3 points. High school certificate =0.
Previous education in Canada,
Two years after high school in Canada whither for the main applicant or for the companion.
Working in Canada
Full-time work for one year in Canada either for the principal provider or facilities = 5 degrees
(D) The existence of a contract of employment
Gets 5 grades (in addition to the 10 degrees already obtained under the fifth item)
1. Relatives in Canada
(E) - (e) - son or cousin, anti or uncle- father - son or daughter of a brother or sister] in Canada as immigrants or nationals, whether to the principal provider or facilities = 5 degrees
Chefs - cooks
Audit and financial accounting personnel.
• Speech therapists.
• Carpentry workers.
• Construction workers.
• Electricity workers.
 Immigration to Canada via the website of the Canadian Immigration Agency, click on the link below:
Canadian immigration
The Canadian ministry of immigration has signed many programs to immigrate to Canada. All are under the scope of rapid immigration, such as the program of skilled worker program, and its terms are:
Work experience not less than one year in one occupation(for 1590hours of work) during the last ten years without calculating the voluntary work. And the job should be of class 0 or level A or B.
1.Obtaining a high educational level, at least equal to the Canadian secondary level. As you should have the educational equivalent certificate in Canada before starting the migration project to Canada because you shall be asked to include it in the quick access file.
2. The ability to prove the English and French language level, and obtaining at least the seventh level of the levels approved in the Canadian Standard.
1.Prove that you have sufficient funds to live after you travel to Canada. This amount of money varies according to the number of family members. This amount ranges from 12 to 30 thousand Canadian dollars.
Another program is the skilled crafts, and it requires the following terms:
2. Experience for at least two years in the last 5 years in one of these trades (electricity, construction, industry, maintenance, agriculture, natural materials, cooking, butcher, bread). 2. The ability to speak English or French with the level not less than the seventh according to the Canadian standers. 3 - Holding a contract of work in the profession he is applying for, or to pass its test.
.Also, there is a Canadian experience program: it requires the following conditions:
1 - the necessity to obtain work experience for at least one year during the last three years in Canada. (This must be full-time) and the educational years shall not be calculated 2. This occupation should be at the level of A or B (0) according to the Canadian work classification

إسأل Attorney

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad

Doaa Abd El-Jawwad


الأسئلة المجابة 80029 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%

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  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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