إسأل Attorney الآن

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq


الأسئلة المجابة 27510 | نسبة الرضا 98.6%


Is amnesty available for UAE blacklists?

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Is amnesty available for UAE blacklists?

إطرح سؤالك

إجابة الخبير: Mohammad Abd Alrazeq

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq


الأسئلة المجابة 27510 | نسبة الرضا 98.6%

The administrative deportation issued from the UAE can be lifted by submitting a request, or petition to the Nationality and Foreigners Department concerned with receiving an application, permission or entry visa. And you have to support the application with all the information related to the residence or previous residence in the country, the reasons for deportation, and the circumstances that arose after it, and it can permit you to enter the country again and attach to the application all documents and documents that clarify this. The competent Nationality and Foreigners Department will examine the application submitted by you and verify the validity of what you are based on and the documents submitted and issue its decision regarding your return to the country. If the Minister of the Interior issued a decision to accept the petition and return you again to the UAE, your name will be removed from the blacklist.

Federal Law of Immigration and Residence in UAE: 

Article (23)
Minister of Interior may issue an order for deportation of any alien, even if the alien has a residence license, in the following cases:
a. If an alien has been convicted and the court has issued an order for
his deportation.
b. If he has no apparent means of living.
c. If the security authorities see that public interest or public security
or public discipline require his deportation.

Article 91
The foreigner who was deported is not allowed to enter the country unless he gets a permission from the minister of interior. That is based on article 28 and 23 of the same law.
Article 92
The foreigner applies to get a permission from the immigration department.
The application includes required documents and other data like former residences and reasons of deportation.
After filling the application and attach all the required documents, knowing that, the visa will not be issued unless the foreigner gets the permit from the immigration department.
Applying the former mentioned articles, we see that you have apply to the minister of interior office in order to get the permit for your brother.


Article 105
The names of the persons listed on the blacklist shall be lifted according to the following conditions:
A - Those with a ban from entry:
1 - Persons who have been listed based on a decision of a competent court, their names will be removed from the list based on a decision of the same court.
2 - Persons whose names have been listed by a decision from the Minister of Interior or whoever he authorizes in implementation of the provisions of Article 23 of the aforementioned Foreigners Entry and Residence Law, their names shall be lifted by his decision.
3 - As for persons whose names have been included in the list at the request of the International Criminal Cooperation Department, their names shall be removed in the same manner in which the addition was made.
B - Those who are banned from leaving:
1 - The names of the persons banned from leaving the country shall be removed based on a written order from the Attorney General or his representative according to a written order from the same authority that issued the ban.
2 - The names of the persons against whom an order to prevent the exit from exit has been issued by a competent court pursuant to a written order from the same authority that issued the ban.
3 - The names of persons who are owed by government funds due from the list shall be removed from the list according to a written request from the competent authority that includes the reasons for lifting, and in this case it is required that the lifting decision shall be issued by the Minister of Interior or whoever he authorizes

إسأل Attorney

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq

Mohammad Abd Alrazeq


الأسئلة المجابة 27510 | نسبة الرضا 98.6%

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