إسأل Games Expert الآن

Yousef Salim

Yousef Salim

Games Expert

الأسئلة المجابة 14801 | نسبة الرضا 97.5%


Welcome! What's going on with your computer or...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
Welcome! What's going on with your computer or device? My email recovry What programs and versions are you using? I am usin clash of clan game use in gmail account Anything else you want the computer expert to know before I connect you? No my email recovery number in pakistan in me stay in qater

إطرح سؤالك

إجابة الخبير: Yousef Salim

Yousef Salim

Yousef Salim

Games Expert

الأسئلة المجابة 14801 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%

Dear customer,
Thank you for joining and trusting us.
Dear, To restore your Gmail password, follow these steps
Go to the account recovery page by clicking here
If you forget your password, click on Forgot your password and then click Next

Then you are redirected to a page to try remember any previous password you remember and put it in the space allocated
In case you do not remember any password you click on, try another question

You will be redirected to a different question. You will be redirected to the phone number on which you have authenticated your mail
Follow the steps as pictured

You will receive a text message on your phone with the activation code, put it in the designated space as the picture

You will be redirected to the reset password page and put the new password to the account and rewrite it to confirm again as the picture

After following the above steps, you have retrieved your Gmail account
Dear, To restore your village and account in Clash of Clans, if you forget it, follow these steps:
First: Open the Clash of Clans game
Second: Click the gear icon (Settings)
Third: Click on Help and support, so you can contact the technical support of the game and communicate with the super cell manufacturer of the game
Fourth: Press in the upper right corner. Press to write and send the message.
Type the following message
Your message should include the following:
Name of village, village level, town hall level (village), village where your village is located (if any). Here is the model:
I've lost my village and I need my help to get it back.
Information about my lost village:
Name of the Village:
XP Level of the Village:
Town hall level of the village:.
Make sure the information is correct and write your village name exactly.
Fifth: Send the message and wait for the reply.
The company will then ask you some questions about your account to verify that you own your village:
1) When your account was created and where it was created (meaning your country and city)
2) When the last time you enter the game and play it.
3) How many experience points you have.
4) How many devices you use to enter and play in your village.
After that, you'll have to wait until you get a response from your company with your account information so you can recover it.
Important Note: You can only retrieve your village once, through the game and your own village.

We are delighted for your contacting, and you can also consult a number of experts on Jawabkom, as doctors, nutrition specialist, engineers, and others.
Best Regards,

إسأل Games Expert

Yousef Salim

Yousef Salim

Games Expert

الأسئلة المجابة 14801 | نسبة الرضا 97.5%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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