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احمد منير
الأسئلة المجابة 10869 | نسبة الرضا 98.8%
I have an assignment at Lincoln university can I...
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This is the question paper: Bachelor of Business Administration BBA 414 – Understanding & Leading ChangeSET: BCSS-301 - E-Business Principles – Study Guide 20174 ContentsAssessment Guidelines2Context2Confidentiality2Assessment Criteria and Mark Sheets2Word Count2Release of Grades3Submission of Digital Answer Scripts / Online Assignments3Extension Request3Referencing and Professionalism3Plagiarism and Collusion3Assignment for BBA 414 – Understanding & Leading Change4-6 CSS-301 - E-Business Principles – Study Guide 20174 Assessment GuidelinesLearners must complete the tasks given in the assignment brief. You can request assistance from academic affairs team, about understanding structure of the question paper, mark schemes, how to reference – Harvard Style and grade descriptors. You are expected to adhere to policies and guidelines set out by the center i.e. Lincoln University of Business and Management, which includes word/page/slide count and plagiarism/collusion.ContextYou are required to refer to the guidance notes and assignment brief to present an answer that would fall within the required context.ConfidentialityLearners must seek permission and advice when using organizational / business information that would be considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organization’s consent is given, and anonymity is a given requirement of the organization, then the learner must respect this.Assessment Criteria and Mark SheetsThe assignment brief will include the mark scheme along with grade descriptors for you to refer to if needed. The guidance notes before the assignment questions should be used for reference to ensure that you are equipped with the information and formats required. You are requested to obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting information to clarify and help understand the requirements.The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help you identify how and where the marks have been allocated and allow them to structure their answers accordingly. Please note that you must achieve a minimum of 70% (equal to 4.2 bandwidth out of 6.0) of the total marks to pass this unit.Word CountIt is mandatory that you adhere to the specified word count given in the assignment brief within a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the page count depending on the task requirement and, although a word count may not always be applicable for these, the page count must be adhered to always. All tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) will be considered a part of the assignment word count. Generally, a 15 points answer should have a word count between 400 – 450 words. If the task requires you to make a presentation, the word count will only be applicable to the notes provided. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in which case you are also required to adhere to this.Any supporting documents used to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices. Such supplementary material will equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information provided within the report. However, these will not be considered for grading nor as part of the word/page count.All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts may be discounted, and you may have to resubmit your work for assessment pending revision/review of your work.Release of Grades GBS endeavors to release your grade points (marks) at the earliest opportunity. Please allow us a minimum of 21 working days from the final date of submission to have your answer papers evaluated by our professional team of evaluators. Students seeking extension, will have their answer scripts evaluated within the period of 30 working days from their final date of submission. Submission of Answer Script / Assignment All your activities, examination and assignments attempted online, should only be submitted to happyhelp@lubm.education .Your answer scripts may not be evaluated if submitted to any other email ID except the one mentioned above. You are requested to maintain a copy of all your assessments for future requirements / reference.Extension Request: Under no circumstances extension will be granted. Extension may only be granted to the student providing valid evidence, supporting their request. To request an extension, please email the controller of examination at happyhelp@lubm.education , strictly 5 days prior to the final submission date with a valid proof.Referencing and ProfessionalismTo ensure that you follow a professional stance always, you must:• Use the Harvard system of referencing for all citations and references (including in-text). More help on ‘How to reference – Harvard Style’ is available in your study material. If you need more help, please feel free to contact our student support department a
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support department at happyhelp@lubm.education and we will be more than happy to assist you on ‘How to Reference – Harvard Style’• Use professional, formal English in presenting your work• Refrain from writing in a first-person perspective (i.e. ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘Me’, etc. should not be used within the answer). You should bear in mind that marks are awarded for professional format and presentation, and that considerable marks can be awarded for validity and quality of referencing. Therefore, referencing and professionalism will be assessed in every task.Plagiarism and CollusionPlagiarism and collusion will be considered an academic offence and will be dealt with as a serious issue.Plagiarism can be defined as: the presentation of the work of another author without appropriate referencing and/or attribution (leading to the false assumption that the learner is the originator of the text).Collusion can be defined as a circumstance in which: two or more learner’s present work with distinct similarities in concept and ideas.You may use ‘free plagiarism tool’ (available on internet) to assess ‘similarity index’ between your work and work that has been published elsewhere.Excessive referencing (i.e. where unneeded/irrelevant) will also be considered an academic offence, which will lead to you being penalized in marks awarded for structure and format of your work or, in serious cases, leading to the work of you being discounted as unfit for assessment. Such matters will be decided by the controller of examination along with Program Director.All your assessments (online activities, assignments, final exam, projects, etc.) are subject to plagiarism check which is generally done by the controller of examination.Special Note 1: Answer scripts found plagiarized or copied, will be graded ‘0’ and student will have to repeat the examination by paying a penalty of AED 1000/-.The tasks shown below constitute 100% of the overall mark. (These guidelines I should follow )
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Now these are the questions Final Exam - Individual Assignment 100% MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Which one of the following is not part of situational leadership? _____. A. DelegatingB. SupportingC. CoachingD. Affirming 2. We can use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to_______. A. Select people more effectivelyB. Understand the best way to compensate peopleC. Better understand what is important to peopleD. Build better teams 3. Which of the following are characteristics of organisations that thrive in chaos? ______. A. FlexibleB. FastC. EmpoweredD. Complementary 4. Emotional intelligence consists of how many competencies? _______. A. ThreeB. SevenC. TwoD. Five 5. Which if the following is not a common reason for resisting change? _____. A. Team conflictB. Fear of the unknownC. InertiaD. Loosing something of value 6. Which of the following are considered important leadership competencies in the transactional or transformation leadership model? ______. A. Developing the visionB. Sharing the goalsC. Delivering successD. Creating operational efficiency 7. Which of the following are not considered hygiene (motivating) factors? ______. A. AchievementB. RecognitionC. SupervisionD. Advancement 8. Which of the following is not a common learning style? _______. A. Group interactionB. Concrete experienceC. Reflective observationD. Abstract conceptualization 9. Which of the following is not part of Hofstede’s culture framework? _____. A. Power distanceB. Pain toleranceC. Uncertainty avoidanceD. Individualism 10. Are all the following points important when giving feedback? ______? A. Start with a positive commentB. Focused on the problem, not the personC. Offer an alternative way of handling the task and explain why it might be effectiveD. Ask for a reaction in a nonthreatening mannerCASE STUDY: As a manager you are sensing that staff are becoming over-worked as everyone takes on increased responsibilities due to high staff turnover. Staff have also mentioned that one of the other manager’s called Laura, has a conversation style that leaves them feeling dejected. In addition, she has not shared budgets with her team leaders, so they are having difficulty appropriately allocating work to staff. Her explanation is that she has not received sufficient information from the finance department to complete the budgets. The finance department said they have sent her all the information they have available.As staff become distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or problem solve without key information like the departmental budget. Please answer the following question: 1. What advice would you give Laura on improving her leadership skills?2. Which leadership style do you think a leader would need to be effective in this situation?
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This is the answers will you be able to check them please1. D-Affirming 2. C -Better understand what is important to people 3. A- Flexible B- Fast C- Empowered 4. D – Five 5. A- Team conflict 6. A- Developing the vision 7. D- Advancement 8. A- Group interaction 9. B- Pain tolerance 10. YES, all are important. A. Start with a positive commentB. Focused on the problem, not the person C. Offer an alternative way of handling the task and explain why it might be effective D. Ask for a reaction in a non-threatening mannerCASE STUDY:1-Laura ought to delegate responsibilities to her team leaders.However, it’s best for Laura to specialize in her own strengths, and by building her leadership skills.Regardless of, however, Laura must be able to adapt to dynamic circumstances and needs of awareness and targeted analysis to make a commitment to mission and vision for the employees.This strategy can build team leaders’ confidence permitting them “to move forward, to achieve towards their goals and attain self-actualization”. (JB business enterprise Co;2014, p05).Build confidence each in spoken skills of cluster collaboration and cooperation; creating selections and perceive why sure selections have created.Furthermore, it's necessary for Laura to be spirited it results in the next motivation and far nicer work atmosphere, resulting in a lot of productive and booming outcome in her organization.2- Answer: Turnover includes the arrival of recent staff and therefore the departure of existing staff, however, most analyses on turnover specialize indeed instead of on coming into the organization. (Price, 2001).However , the influence of leadership vogue on job performance, satisfaction,stress, and turnover intentions has been well established.In situational leadership theory (SLT), leadership effectiveness is believed to be increased if Laura uses the design of leadership that best match the readiness, ability and disposition of subordinates which a decent match between leadership vogue and subordinate readiness results in higher level of subordinate satisfaction and performance . Therefore , Situational leadership is outlined by Northouse (2013) as “the ability of the leader to change designs to adapt to things at hand”.The situational Leadership model addresses four styles of leadership designs, supported the follower:(Module1,Foundations of change leadership) S1 Directing : Structure, Control, Supervise .S2 Coaching : Direct, Support .S3 Supporting : Praise, Listen, Facilitate.S4 Delegating : Turning over responsibilities day to day decision making. Conclusion:Using the situational leadership approach will build morale among staff and produce a productive atmosphere.Therefore mistreatment Delegation helps to spice up team ethical, improve potency and productivity, and promotes enthusiasm, innovation, and cooperation all of that square measure important to a company's bottom line.“Delegation is probably the foremost elementary feature of management, as a result of it entails obtaining work done through others.” (Bateman et al, 2004). ”The time has return to judge delegation as an important cornerstone of leadership.It’s time to comprehend that delegation is, indeed, the key to turning into an excellent leader.”(M.Cooper, 2015) References list : · Justin Albert, 2014, confidence: Build Unbreakable, Unstoppable, Powerful Confidence: Boost your Confidence: A21-Day challenge, page 5,JB Publishing Co.· Price,JL(2001).Reflections on the determinants of voluntary turnover.International Journal of manpower,22(7),600.624.· Northouse,PG,(2013).Leadership:Theory and Practice (6th ed).Thousand oaks, CA:Sage Publishing .· ClayM.Cooper,Delegetion the key to leadership, 2015,CreateSpace IndependenNew Yorkhing Platform.· Bateman, thomas s., snell, scott. (2004). managing. management: the new competitive landscape.management: the new competitive landscape. 6th ed. new york: mcgraw-hill/irwin.
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Note I have to submit today
إجابة الخبير: احمد منير

احمد منير
الأسئلة المجابة 10869 | نسبة الرضا 98.8%
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احمد منير
الأسئلة المجابة 10869 | نسبة الرضا 98.8%
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