إسأل Dream Interpreter الآن

Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Dream Interpreter

الأسئلة المجابة 78232 | نسبة الرضا 97.8%

Dream Interpreter

I saw in my dream 2 snacks one is small grayish...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
I saw in my dream 2 snacks one is small grayish dot on skins upper body is wider and tail is thin.And 2nd was pinkish brownish tall snak.chasing me then hiding the small 1 comes out from the corners towards me then suddenly hide.Plz translate me i will be thankful to u.
Dream Analyst's Assistant: Can you explain the dream in detail so that the expert gives you an accurate and detailed interpretation?
I always forget the dreams but slightly.I saw my self at my home sitting with my sister in law in open laounge saw suddenly a small snack appers i told my sisit it look like lizard and was coming towrds me then i jumped and step back he hide his self in the corner again on other hand i saw myself in the room again repeatedly same thing happen wherever i go snak comes and hide.other hand just saw a tall snake brownish passing in front of me looking at me.other hand again i saw my self with my colleagues and my boss we were some where some strange place.i met my friends ghey said that boss is also their so i move from them and came in other part of that place it was like station or stop where my boss was keeping his goods i helped him and then he asked me hows life going in and dreamended with saying by these words that u have to take a step and make decision.
Dream Analyst's Assistant: Anything else you want the interpreter to know before I connect you?
Yes i am 38 single 2 proposals came and i am confused.from that i rejected 1 guy in the beginning but now i want to marry him and he also but his family having issues specialy mother.

إطرح سؤالك

إجابة الخبير: Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Dream Interpreter

الأسئلة المجابة 78232 | نسبة الرضا 97.8%

Praise is to Allah. We seek refuge in Him. He is not misguided. He who is guided by Allah no one shall mislead him. And no one shall guide a misleading person. I testify that there is no god but Allah, who has no partner and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.

My honorable customer,

We would like to point out that your dream is not good as snakes indicates malicious enemy, evils, illness, magic, curse as it used for that by the magicians. Also, the bigger snake indicates bigger enemy, if the snake bites you that means your enemy is the winner.

Therefore, you must protect yourself with the Sharia Rukaya and don’t miss any prayer as who don’t pray see such dreams about snakes. As Allah SWT said, “And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion”.

God knows and judge, I ask Allah to guide you to what He loves and pleases, and to go beyond the evils of your deeds and to enter us and you in His mercy.


We are delighted for your contacting, and you can also consult a number of experts on Jawabkom, as Doctors, nutrition specialist, engineers, and others.

Accept our respect and appreciation


Kind Regards,

الرد من العميل

Thank you so much Shaikh Yes i miss prayer i will start recitation of Rukya Sharia and my prayers regularly.But Shaikh i always use to recite Rukya Sharia and also listening in my car all the time.Before i do the same as before also shaikh told me for Rukya sharia but for some time i stop seeing the dream after some time again its repeats. Now i feel hopeless. What will be the cure.

إجابة الخبير: Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Dream Interpreter

الأسئلة المجابة 78232 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%

Dear Customer,

Thanks for joining and trusting us, much appreciated! 


If your relationship with God become better, and hold your prayers and remembrance, the better you will be. If you leave the prayer or the remembrance, God accepts the repented people.
And those who approach him, he accept them, he is merciful to accept repentance and forgive the evil deeds, and God willing, the evil of your enemies will be stopped, and you will improve your condition. I ask God to help you with what he wants

I hope my answer was helpful, please let me know if you have any follow up questions. If you feel I've answered your question already, please rate my answer from top of the page. Your feedback helps to ensure only the best experts are available to help you.

You can also ask questions of our other specialists in the areas of nutrition, therapists, IT specialists, doctors, and many more.




إسأل Dream Interpreter

Kamal Al Salem

Kamal Al Salem

Dream Interpreter

الأسئلة المجابة 78232 | نسبة الرضا 97.8%

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