إسأل اخصائي نفسي الآن

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
الأسئلة المجابة 9664 | نسبة الرضا 98%
I don’t study for my exams as if I don’t care and...
إجابة الخبير: سعيد نبهان

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
الأسئلة المجابة 9664 | نسبة الرضا 98%
You must work to face the frustrating and negative thoughts that control your mind.
The religious thinking and belief must be strengthened.
Think about the positive side of your presentation and think deeply to the extent that you are well trained to become fluent.
You must stay away from the boring daily routine that restricts you.
Motivate yourself to study and see the results of success and excellence.
You should also stay away from the main cause of your state with this laziness.
You should work out daily and practice sports.
You must talk with yourself in positive manners, that I am capable, I am a successful person, etc.
You must strive to achieve your goals.
You must let yourself busy and be interested in reaching your ambitions and dreams.
You must enhance your self-confidence by looking at the positives you own, that is to say, look at the positive side of your life and not the negative one.
You must keep yourself away from all the frustrating people and communicate with the optimistic people and those you love.
الرد من العميل
Thank you so much do i need to see a therapist for the constant worry like i worry when I went a place with one of my friends and i didnt know anyone there and i was worrying about how i look and there was a constant thoughts in my mind like voices that are loud that i am acting weird, i look weird and ect and sometimes suddenly i cant breathe and be scared but i dont know if this is a panic attack or something so what do i do
الرد من العميل
And i kinda lost interest in alot of things i feel weird i dont know its like something is wrong with me but at the same time i dont know if thats just in my mind or what
الرد من العميل
Do i have anxiety?
إجابة الخبير: سعيد نبهان

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
الأسئلة المجابة 9664 | نسبة الرضا 98%
But it must appear to you at least a month and usually this case creates a deficit and show many symptoms: Such as disturbance in sleep, eating, insomnia, feeling lonely, withdrawing from all social occasions, tendency to forget, crying, lack of motivation to carry out loved activities, tension, anxiety, feeling of mental distraction, feeling of insomnia, depressed mood, inability to focus, feeling lonely, feeling of guilt and frustration
Symptoms of psychological origin appear, but are physical in shape, such as stomach pain, headache, neck, chest, feeling constipated or diarrhea, loss of motivation for the sexual side, and the higher the pressure, the greater the appearance of physical pain.
In order to help yourself, you should follow these instructions:
-You must determine the main cause that brought you to this stage and stay away from it.
-You must change the daily routine that controls you.
-Work to develop solutions to these situations or things that constitute pressure or increase it.
-Must be trained in a relaxation exercise to apply permanently in life.
-You must have the ability to make decisions to stop all negative frustrating thoughts and start real change in life and not to remain a consideration of failure or frustration and in harmony with it and frequency that I cannot.
-You must do exercises daily to help you change the mood you are in.
-You must be sure to sit at specific times in places that are mentally comfortable and with whom you love.
-You should avoid sitting on your own.
-You must organize your sleep and invest every minute of your time in reaching your goals.
-You must stop the deadly daily routine you reached.
-You can download the Jwabkom app to follow up on your inquiry directly with the expert, and you can also contact specialized experts in more than 16 fields. In addition to other daily topics by clicking on this link:
إسأل اخصائي نفسي

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
الأسئلة المجابة 9664 | نسبة الرضا 98%
- 100% ضمان الرضا
- انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين