إسأل Nutritionist الآن

Dr. Doaa Hajeen

Dr. Doaa Hajeen


الأسئلة المجابة 38055 | نسبة الرضا 98%


I feel stiffness below my belly button all the...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
I feel stiffness below my belly button all the time and a pressure downwards. Sometimes I have painful flares and pain. Got abdomen and uterus ultrasound done all is fine. I have been prescribed cystone for 3 mnths. What is the possible cause? It has become chronic
Assistant: Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What medications are you taking?
Yes got urine tests done and they r all fine jo infection. It's not PID it's not UTI. Doctors cant figure out what's the problem. Centre back also hurts if I bend for long. Doc said I have to work out for pelvic muscles. I have incontinence problem from more then 5 mnths now.
Assistant: Anything else in your medical history you think the doctor should know?
I had kidney stones last yr Feb. And then it was all clear by june. Since then incontinence is there

إطرح سؤالك

إجابة الخبير: Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 11916 | نسبة الرضا 97.6%

what is the treatment of the urinary incotinence for the females ?
the trreatment fot such complain is based upon the main disease ( cause ) but in general in such cases the doctor treats the patient with a recomendation for strength the pelvic floor muscles and will use a natural urine passage cleaner such as cystone or rowatenix and in some case even antibiotics such as nutrofurintine in case of the uti is suspected ( and in case of incontinence there is usually uti infection with it )
what are the possible causes for lower abdominal pain and the urinary incontinence ?
  • urinary stones and if you had it once you ll probably will have it again and you should know that most of stones arent detectable by ultrasound 
  • uterine prolapes and its a very common cause of female incontinence 
  • any type of physiological changes in the female might cause incontinence such as pregnancy and menepause and change in diet and even durin the menstruation in some cases 
  • hyperthyroidesm 
  • daibetis mellitus 
  • emotional stres and anxity 
  • cold weather cans cause incontinence in females 

what are the diagnostic tests needed to detect the cause ?
the doctor at first will do a full clinical examination of the patient plus a urine test to rule out infection then he might order an ultrasound for the pevlvic area to check for any precence of cystitis or uterine fibroid ( might give a similar picture ) and look for any possibe casues of inflammation in the area then the bladder cough test when the doctor tells you to cough while watching for any uncontrolled urination during the cough and urodynamic test and cystoscope to check for the bladder frmo inside 
advice ?
we advice you to visit the obs and gyn doctor and in case the doctor suspects something then he ll treatyou or send you to urologist for the right diagnosis and the correct treatment 

الرد من العميل

Thank u very much for a detailed analysis. I have been to gynae and general physician. Wen thru abdominal ultra sound and chek of uterus also. It was told by doc that I should have cystone for 3 mnths and do pelvic exercise to strengthen muscles as they r becoming lanky. The enlarged uterus is causing pressure on bladder but it should be sorted out within 3 mnths. I need to change my eating habits and lifestyle. Lack of exercise and making muscles weak. So now I am working on it.

إجابة الخبير: Dr. Doaa Hajeen

Dr. Doaa Hajeen

Dr. Doaa Hajeen


الأسئلة المجابة 38055 | نسبة الرضا 97.6%

Healthy eating habits 

- Regularity and regular exercise (aerobics and strength sports)
- It can be based on drinking fat-burning drinks such as green tea, ginger and grapefruit
- Eat water-rich foods such as salad consisting of tomatoes and vegetables of all kinds, they are full of satiety because they contain water but do not contain high calories
- Try to eat snacks and frequent during the day instead of eating large meals once, eating a meal or two meals lead to the stability of weight or even increase
- If you feel hungry, drink water first because it is mostly the result of thirst and not hunger, as drinking two liters of water a day suppresses appetite and increases the levels of energy representation.
- Eat a mix of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, capsicum and red cabbage in addition to vegetables cooked daily such as zucchini and broccoli
- You must know the number of calories you eat in the meal, especially in the snack so that it does not exceed 200 calories

إسأل Nutritionist

Dr. Doaa Hajeen

Dr. Doaa Hajeen


الأسئلة المجابة 38055 | نسبة الرضا 98%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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