إسأل Licensed Physician الآن

Yazan Alhourani

Yazan Alhourani

Licensed Physician

الأسئلة المجابة 75463 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%


Hi doc i just want to ask i take Dianne pills...

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:
Hi doc i just want to ask i take Dianne pills before my period come 1week but only 2x we make sex with my hubby till my pills finish is that possible make me pregnant because my pills finish last thursday august 20 then now 2 days from medicine period not come what should i do doc pls give me some tips thank u

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إجابة الخبير: Yazan Alhourani

Yazan Alhourani

Yazan Alhourani

Licensed Physician

الأسئلة المجابة 75463 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%

First note:
how did you take your OCP pills isnt clear to us , we are not quite sure if you took it in the right way , but :
- if you took it in the right way : you are not likely to be pregnancy , and period delay is due to using OCP it self 
- here is the right way of taking OCP :
1. consult an OBGYN doctor to choose the best medication for you
2. OCP medication used by the first day of period , and its usually should be used for first 21 days of your period or as instructions 
3. you should take the pill in the same time every day 
- in case of forgeting 1 dose , take it as soon as possible , unless its almost the next dose time , then take double dose 
Possible causes of delayed period :

1. pregnancy ( if you sexually active ) 
2. Hormonal changes 
3. Some medications such as Medroxyprogesterone acetate
4. stress
5. Obesity
6. Thyroid diseases
7. gastic system disease (wheat allergy)
8. ovarian cysts 
9. malnutrition and low weight 

What to do next ?
- if you have been sexual active recently , do home pregnancy test and if its positive , consult an OBGYN 
- if you havent been sexually active recently , do the following :

1. consult GYN doctor to do the needed routine medical test and determine the treatment pathways ( if needed ) 
2. in case of hormonal changes , doctor may prescribe medication to correct hormones imbalance such as duphaston , which you should take a pill every 12 hours for 5 days  
3. in case of thriod hormone abnormalties ( usually accompanied with other symtpoms ) , doctor will prescribe medication such as Levothyroxine
4. in case of other chronic disease such as ovarian cyst ( PCOS ) or other disease , doctor may need addvanced examnation to determine the causes and treatment pathway 
5. general advices :
- avoid stress  and have plenty of rest 
- healthy life style including health diet and regular exercise 
Needed medical examnation :
1. physical examnation 
2. Pregnancy test 
3. vaginal culture and urine test
4. productive system ultra sound 
5. hormone levels including productive system hormones and thyroid hormones 

إسأل Licensed Physician

Yazan Alhourani

Yazan Alhourani

Licensed Physician

الأسئلة المجابة 75463 | نسبة الرضا 98.7%

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