إسأل Licensed Doctor الآن

Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 11916 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%


Is the NST cost much or the EMG and which will be...

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Is the NST cost much or the EMG and which will be effective

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I got difficulty’s in walking i don’t know what’s the cause of it but maybe a fatigue or tiredness in hips and joints and I heard cracks and did MRI results degenerative changes reduction in L5-S1 and L1-L2 lumbar discs , protrusion towards left at L5-S1 disc margin encroaches the left neural foramina with indentation on the exiting root therein , I’ve been using lyrica 300 mg and latest doctor asked to stop it and not use any pain killer or medicine for 3 months then visit. But pain in joints and legs muscles are excessive. Nerve stimulation test with ultrasound can fix the problem . To be known now more than a year and deficiency of vitamin d 6.16 What should i do to get my legs a back and start walking i did all the exercises from YouTube but numbness and burning and tingling are still the with no power to raise the leg

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الرد من العميل

Lyrica prescribed for 3 month then last examination dr results that im lyrica addict and since then no pain killers at all

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Hot and cold water

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Im getting full of liquids specially my leg

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This is what previous doctor results

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Symptoms and treatment of peripheral neuropathy The motor and sensation control of both lower limbs originates from the spinal cord at level of L1 down ward . Any compression or inflammation will lead to progressive motor weakness and peripheral parasthesias , if not treated the situation will progress to a more severe forms of motor paralysis . If the syptomes of weakness are present and not improved with exercise , the the best option is the surgical management and release of compression after consultation of a Neurosurgeon .Investigations After proper physical exam, you should do nerve stimulation testing and EMG then. An MRI to detect the site of abnormality which in your case is the disc prolapse at the level of L5-S1 Causes Acute disc prolapseVertebral trauma and fallen downNeuropathy due to Vitamins Deficency especially v B12Our advice You are adviced to consult a neurosurgeon for the surgical option as soon as you can to releive the narrowing in the spinal canal. Avoid weight lifting and have healthy diet to reduce weight.

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مدرات البول ها هي مهمة لا استطيع المشي و كاني احمل شيء ما

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الرد من العميل

حاليا افضل اختبار للتاكد من العصب الفخذي و انضغاطه و هل يمكن الانضغاط يحدث في الرجلين ؟

إجابة الخبير: Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 11916 | نسبة الرضا 97.5%

which test is the suitable to check for the femaral nerve pressure ?
we should at first know that the femoral nerve is sensory and motor nerve alltogether so when it comes to check if the femaral nerve is compressed then we should check the motor and sensory powers of the nerve, now lets talk about the tests and what is the difference between NCS  and  EMG 
  1. EMG study is the study of the muscular response of the motor nerve via inserting an electrical current in the muscle and then mesure the response of the nerve on the muscle 
  2. the NCS is the study of the the neuroelectrical cunduction to the motor and sensory powers of the nerve in comparision to the other non symptomatic side 
and by the way the both tests cost almost the same ( 150 usd - 300 usd )
can nerve compression happens in both lower lims ?
yeas it might happen to the both limbs 
what are the mri results mean ?
in siple plain english you have the following 
  • compression over the decending nerve on the left side from between l5 and s1 vertebra and L1 -S2 
  • facetal hypertrophy at the level of l4-l5 levels ( it means that there is mild degeneration in the joints at the sides ( 2 joints ) between the the L4 - L5 and L5 - S1 ) 
  • there is a a degenerative change between vretebral joints ( L1 - L2 and L5-S1 ) 
  • according to the picture of the MRI ressables spondylosis 

what is the brain MRI  indicates ?
  • its clinically normal but you have a hypertrophied nasal turbinates which might be due to an infection or nasal allergy 

what is the treatment of your condition ?
in this case the treatment is anticonvulsant drugs such as gababentin,  nonsteroidal agents such as endomethacin, opioids such as tramadol, antidepression such as amitriptyline, physiotherapy is also considred, exercise therapy but its controversial and at last the surgical option which is reserved for the cases than dont achive pain relife as it supposed to do 
what about the lower limb swelling ?
the reatment for such case is highly depending upon the cause so if the cause of lower linb swelling is cellulitis so the treatment is the antibiotics such as augmentin, in case of deep vein thrombosis then the treatment is by antiplatelates such as heparin, in case of fluid accumulation in the lower limb so you should take water pills such as lasix and so on 
what are the diagnostic tests needed for the lower limb edema ?
medical history and clinical examination, ultrasound of the lower limb ( to check for the sweeling cause and deep vein thrombosis) , CBC  to check for the wbc count in infection is suspected ( in case of cellulitis ) and crp test anlongside the esr test 
what is the advice ?
we advice you to visit the neurosurgion and show him the results for the right diagnosis and the correct treatment 

إسأل Licensed Doctor

Abdullah Al-Badri

Abdullah Al-Badri

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 11916 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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