إسأل Certified Islam Scholar الآن

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

الأسئلة المجابة 52739 | نسبة الرضا 97.5%

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How can convert to muslim

إجابة الخبير: Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

الأسئلة المجابة 52739 | نسبة الرضا 97.7%

Praise be to Allah, god of the worlds and prayers and peace be upon His faithful Messenger, and after: you have to know that Islam is the greatest blessing that God Almighty bestows upon the servant, and as for your entry into the religion of Islam, he must utter the Shahada, namely I believe that there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger this is the main belief of Islam

Then it is better after that to take a bath and start learning the rulings of religion, and work with it until you receive God and preach all good and forgiveness. And God knows best and wisest.

إسأل Certified Islam Scholar

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

الأسئلة المجابة 52739 | نسبة الرضا 97.5%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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