ان ترجمة النص الذي تفضلتم بطلبه كالاتي:
Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, and it is the month of many blessings for Muslims because they believe that the Qur’an was first revealed to Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Messenger of Islam during this month in the year 610 AD, where he was in the cave of Hira when the angel Gabriel came to him and said, "Read in the name of your Lord who created." This was the first verse that was revealed from the Qur’an. The month of Ramadan begins when the sighting of the crescent is confirmed on the 29th of Shaban. In the event that it is not seen, the month of Shaban becomes 30 days, then the next day will be the first day of Ramadan, and the period of the month reaches 29-30 days also when the sighting of the crescent is confirmed, and at the end of Ramadan Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Ramadan also has a special place in the heritage and history of Muslims. Because they believe that the revelation began and the first thing that was revealed from the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah was on the Night of Power of this month in the year 610 AD, where the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was in the cave of Hira when the angel Gabriel came to him and said to him, “Read in the name of your Lord who created.” This was the first verse that was revealed from the Qur’an, and the Qur’an was sent down from the preserved Tablet on the Night of Power, as a one sentence, then he was placed in the house of honor in the sky of the world in Ramadan, then Gabriel used to descend on it, divided into orders, prohibitions and causes, and that was twenty-three years. The month of Ramadan is also associated with Islamic countries with many religious rituals, such as: Tarawih prayers and I'tikaaf during the last ten days, as well as many customs and traditions such as inviting others to break their fast and setting "Aleftar" tables for those who are poor, and there are also many heritage features associated with this month, such as: the lantern, the adornment, and the Ramadan cannon, as well as the character of the Misharati and the storyteller, and food and some sweets that are eaten after "Aleftar" meal.
يمكنك تحميل تطبيق جواب لمتابعة استفسارك مباشرة مع الخبير ، كما يمكنك التواصل مع خبراء مختصين في أكثر من 16 مجال. بالإضافة إلى مواضيع أخرى يومية من خلال الضغط على هذا الرابط: تحميل تطبيق جواب