إسأل Licensed Doctor الآن

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.8%

تم تقييم هذه الإجابة:

What drugs and food can I take for fatty liver

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What drugs and food can I take for fatty liver disease

إجابة الخبير: Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.6%

What is the treatment in cases of fatty liver?
First of all, you must undergo a medical examination with a specialized hepatologist to determine the pathogens such as obesity and malnutrition. Therefore, you must exercise on a daily basis while losing excess weight and avoiding alcohol or unhealthy food. Medical examinations are conducted in case of suspicion of a viral infection to determine the type of virus, as the treatment requires periodic follow-up. A medical examination is carried out by the specialist internal medicine doctor and hepatologist, and tests are conducted to determine the disease status: inactive or active. You must follow up with the specialized internal medicine and liver doctor to prescribe treatments according to the results of the examinations. Such as the use of Antiviral Lamovidine or Adiovir, and treatments such as Interferon.
What are the causes of fat on the liver?
  • Unknown reasons.
  • immune diseases.
  • Unhealthy diet such as fats and unhealthy food such as oils and others.
  • obesity .
  • Malnutrition .
  • Alcohol.
  • Liver infections.

What are the necessary medical examinations ?
The following medical examinations must be performed, which include the need for a complete clinical examination by the internal medicine and hepatologist, with a blood test for infections, liver function tests, viruses such as B and C virus, and X-rays for cases of cirrhosis or fat in the liver, and in some cases a biopsy is performed.
Advice now:
Follow-up with a specialist hepatologist.

إسأل Licensed Doctor

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi

Licensed Doctor

الأسئلة المجابة 47880 | نسبة الرضا 97.8%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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