إسأل طبيب الآن

دكتور عبد الكريم السلقاوي
الأسئلة المجابة 22777 | نسبة الرضا 98%
الرد من العميل
Which medicine should I take?
إجابة الخبير: دكتور عبد الكريم السلقاوي

دكتور عبد الكريم السلقاوي
الأسئلة المجابة 22777 | نسبة الرضا 98%
Tonsillitis treatment:
Tonsillitis is one of the common problems that affect many people, and it is caused by a viral infection in most cases, but it may be caused by a bacterial infection in some cases. Therefore, the condition must be evaluated by a doctor, and it is advised to follow some tips such as drinking warm liquids such as honey with lemon, ginger. , chamomile, and more intake of water and lozenges to avoid dryness of the throat, and it is also recommended to gargle with warm water and salt three times a day, and avoid exposure to smoke, dust and soil, and use some medications such as antipyretic paracetamol 500 mg three times a day and antibiotics such as amoxicillin 500 mg three pills Daily for a week, and in the event that symptoms persist and do not improve, surgery may be resorted to to remove the tonsils.
When is it recommended to have tonsillectomy surgery?
• Infection with more than seven bouts of tonsillitis in one year
• Four or five times in each of the previous two years
• Having more than three infections in each of the previous three years
• Tonsillitis not responding to medication
• The presence of symptoms such as difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and sleep apnea
• The appearance of a pus cyst that does not improve with antibiotics
How is the diagnosis made?
• The diagnosis is made by taking a medical history, doing a clinical examination, and running some tests such as a complete blood test to assess the rise in white blood cells, which indicates the severity of the infection, making a swab from the throat and then making a culture of it to find out the type of the causative microbe
- Swelling and redness of the tonsils
- sore throat
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
- Bad breath
- Difficulty swallowing
- Ear pain
- A white layer on the tonsils
- Fever
- Headache
Our advice:
Follow the treatment tips above and consult a doctor to run the necessary tests
إسأل طبيب

دكتور عبد الكريم السلقاوي
الأسئلة المجابة 22777 | نسبة الرضا 98%
- 100% ضمان الرضا
- انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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