my cat didn't stop sneezing for the bast 3 days .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I wanna have a horse but I only have 40 or 45 dirhams and my parents won't let me.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Assalam o Alikum . Sir, I am looking for a job do you have any vacancie. qualifica....Read more

Ali Alkurdi
Career Counselor
Answered 46692 | Rating 97.9%
my cat throw up, and after he trow up he's been not felling well ' he didn't ate or drink water and he's only....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat is vomiting?what food I have give for her? She start vomiting after eating rat..she can't walk....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
أهلا بك! ما الذي يحدث مع جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك أو الجهاز؟ مرحبا ما هي البرامج والإصدارات التي تستخدمها؟ ح....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Can you help me with some interview questions and answers for zookeepers.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hi here is one street cat he is very sick what can i do for him.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Have any free treatment for vet clinic in Dubai . Bcz one cat is injured.back side leg was broke. You can....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Sir I want ur h.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I want ur help.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Sir I want ur h.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
عندي اربع عصافير مش عارف احدد جسهم.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hello, my cat has fever and coughs a lot I would like to know how to treat her..Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My shihtzu having diarrhea like 10 times and vomit for 2 times. She ate last night pasta woth milk..Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello, I rescued a stray from the streets 2 months ago and he was extremely skinny and extremely weak he was....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hi, I want to ask what could I do for now because my dog is hard breathing and there is no dog clinic opened.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
What do I do if my pet has a infection .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat was a sick i want to came to with cat.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hi good evening doctor my cat was a sick.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
دكتور خاصتني باطة ليريكة .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I need pest countrol for bed bugs and cockroaches in my home its flat from baladya.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hello We use cryptonaz suspension prescribed by a veterinary doctor to small Yorkshire dog 2 ml twice a day....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
عندى رود فيلر عمره ٦شهور من امبارح الساعه خمسه امتنع عن الطعام و بينام كتير و قليل الحركه عن المعتاد ما الحل؟.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
How to help a turtel shell who is bleeding .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Good morning sir or madam, how can I get help financially to inproof in my agricultural products .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
hii have sculp sore all over my head hoe to get rid from them.Read more

Dr. Abdelreheem Jammal
Licensed Doctor
Answered 14621 | Rating 99.1%
Maam my horse is fell in room morning time his trot not good from left leg maybe have a some pain so what I....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
U gynaecologist???.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What medications....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
القطه بتنزل دم ولسا مكتشفين انها حامل امبارح ورجليها سخنه اعمل ايه.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? القطه علي وشك الاجهاض ماذا علي ان افعل Have you seen a....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What medicat....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Treatment of haemorrhagic diathesis in camels Have you....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi dr. I want you to see my bird issue Today morning I....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
My dog started not eating yesterday and today also he still not eating but he drinks water. Now hes vomiting....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi my dog prince not eating now for past two days and now....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I have a alexandrine 40 days old parrot and he is vomiting....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? من ايش مكوناتها Have you seen a doctor about this yet?....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I have a 15 year old male jack russel. I live in a flat.....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Plz send me cock large medicine name Have you seen a....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hi my cat ist.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I have an owl lately she started to close on of her eyes and it started to shed tears when she open it also....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
i have a tortoise it suffers from swollen eyes and it cant open it how to apply treatment and what do i need .Read more