rs Served, the psychologists are available 24 hours to answer your questions. Our Psychotherapists have years....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I am looking for life patner divers woman old 40 to 45 48.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
السلام عليكم مشكلتي زوجي لا يعبر عن حبه ابد وجااااف لابعد الحدود وصلت مرحلت اني الفت انتباهه باشيا كذب مثل....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
انا في 3 ثانوي وعليا ضغط المذاكرة ومفيش حد مساعدني كل يوم زعل وبيجي علي مذكرتي واستاذ مادة كرهني فيها ومش حابه....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
the effect of social media on children .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I have married a beautiful girl without my father knowing after I married I came alone to say him he was....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
rahatfhbvxfbhczcjibxz.Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
فقالفصثقافقاىقغفاغفق.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
That me & brother are angry at each other my family is crying for us .Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
how do I recover from abandonment issues ?.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
محتاجه دكتور نفسى ارجوك .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I'm a pretty.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hi, I am 46 years old man.I feel suffocated with full sweating if somebody locked my door from outside or I am....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Hello... I am tired of my parents always fighting even after their divorce and I'm starting to have lots of....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Hello, My name is Nashwa born in 1990, I am a female, 27 years old and in 2015 I had a blood test and it....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Dears, I have social anxiety since long period of time I am now 42 years old but it start to happen after 2....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Please help me,I'm at a point of commiting suicide.How do I stop feeling like a horrible human being?.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Why do I feel sick every time I go or even think about leaving my house? It’s been happening for a long....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Sir my life is getting down day by day it's the 2nd year of my marriage but still we couldn't make intercourse....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
دكتور لو سمحت انا عندى رهاب اجتماعى ونفسى اعالجه.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
My 10 years old fancies up a lot. Is it normal? He also always argues with his mother.2013192.Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
I have schetzofrania and severe depression I've tried many antidepressants but they all caused me hallucina....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Hello there, I'm writing you regarding an incident that happened to me very recently, which will be a week....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I love sexy.Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Hello, I've been suffering from symptoms of depression, social anxiety disorder and body dysmorphic disorder....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Assalamualaikum, I am wife who is not liked by her husband.i am constantly blackmailed on every more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
why my feelings is so easy to change ? For example i love the guy so much .. then after two months, it will....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hi , what's the best way to get over a divorce? My wife and I divorced more than a year ago but yesterday I....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
What is it.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
سؤالى لطبيب نفسى هناك مشكلة مع فى الاختلاط بالناس يعنى انا انعزالى احب ان اجلس او اتحدث مع شخص واحد او اثنين....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Why am I so so so so lazy!? I know that without hard work we can’t achieve anything. I can’t....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
17 Oct 2017 دكتور انا من يومين اتفرجت ع فيديو الاشخاص الي بعانو من الاضطراب النفسي الي بتجلهم حاله قلق وخوف....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
i separated with my husband, because of a problem where he used to imagine me cheating on him and believing....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Naresh bahadur khatri and maya khatri and mohit khatri and bapisha khatri.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hello sir we have problem I m excited when I m go neer wife this work on that problem .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I m really tensed nd depressed nowadays bcuz I m in love with someone who can't be mine so I can't concentrate....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
أنا شخص متزوج منذ 6سنوات ولم أقتنع بجمال زوجتي فلذلك لا أقربها الا نادرا وضعف بسبب ذلك عندي الانتصاب ودائما....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
سلام عليكم.. انا متزوج من 6 سنوات ولا أقدر على مقاربة زوجتي لأنها ليس الجمال المطلوب.. أظل بالأسبوعين لا....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
صباح الخير يا دكتور انا عندى مشكله لسه خارجه من علاقه انا بجد مش فاهمه هيا خلصت ليه انا شغاله مضيفه بره بلدى....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
انا عندي اكتئاب وحسا اني هنتحر في اي لحظة اعمل اي بجد.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I don't know where to begin, I'm even very tired to state the problem , Well I'm obsessed with success , the....Read more