سلام عليكم اريد طبيب نفسي .Read more

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9664 | Rating 98%

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Me love marriage but no idea mom dad agree .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
8 may 1986.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I need medical help because I'm in depression and trouble in falling sleep.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
How are you.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I experienced a social media discrimination and bullying they post a below the belt posting bout me. They....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I want suicide. .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I have depression .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I don't have motivation since years now.Read more

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9664 | Rating 98%
مرحبا! كيف يمكنني المساعدة في سؤالك الطبي؟ انا اعاني من عدم الاهتمام باي شي وصرت مدمن ع الجوال وخسرت فيه....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I am single .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Good day Doctors, I don't know if you will notice my question but I'm still hoping. When I was a child I....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Need ur help doctor .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Asslam o Alaikum I'm very tension. My name Ali. I asked on Rabigh. .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
english,urdu.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
i want a therapist to text me but i cant find it .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How can I stop smoking .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
What is the life?.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
اعانى من مشاكل نفسية.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
ازاي اخد قرار مصيري عن شريك حياتي وايه عي المواصفات اللي لازم تكون موجودة فيه وايه العيوب اللي أقف عندها .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
أهلا بك! كيف يمكنني المساعدة في سؤالك الطبي؟ كيف تتخلص من فوبيا المطر أنا لست في حالة جيدة هل رأيت طبيب حول....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
اشعر بالحزن الشديد هذه الفتره واشعر بأن الجميع يتآمر ضدي بالعمل انا طبعي حساسه بس هالفتره تجي لي مشاعر غريبه....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
My husband is addicted to masturbation. It seems he lost interest in sex with me. We just had beginning our....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
I am facing domestic violence from husband.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I need Merry me.Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
Why people go through anxiety and depression .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Why people have thoughts that they will die .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Jawiji dayimin binitichajar bisabab charib kohoul.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
https://s3.jawab.app/chat/audios/2021/11/08/5AXLY3SxZn6d6RToS8qbiRxylFWwzyrSt1XP3rgw.m4a.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How to stop smoking .Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
Children with kelpgomania disorder.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hi.. I am feeling depressed lately as i used to be smart and always think out of the box and achieve very well....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I have anxiety disorder .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
me and my wife have misunderstanding my wife refuse to talk to me and the people around her hide to and the....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Am a smoker .Read more

أحمد عوض
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9090 | Rating 97.5%
I think I need a psychiatrist.Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
السلام عليكم .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Married woman with hepatitis b hbs positive refuse to tell her husband about her disease What's the doctor....Read more

أحمد عوض
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9090 | Rating 97.5%
https://s3.jawab.app/chat/audios/2021/08/09/YmvJLPzPxnXhShSTxouyW7QE6IIrdOiIaOhSnSgm.m4a.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Nafs ko mota or lamba karna.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How to improve our self confidence?.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
How can I make me selfdepedent??.Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
how can i took custody of my 12 years old son?.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Hi mam, how can increase my confident level.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
no identity is confidential.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
hello mem??.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hi Doctor, I am married for 1.5 years.. After two months of marriage I noticed that there is a difference in....Read more

أحمد عوض
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9090 | Rating 97.5%
Face & money problem. And my husband already 24hours pyschical relationship . My 2 kids., Boy or girl.Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
Depression and anxiety .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Only hindi.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
how to manage of being a LDR ?.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Hi sir .my name is majrooh. I'm 42 years old. . I'm Indian. now working in Dubai. My problem. Panic. I can't....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
how do i know for sure if i have depression?.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Are you therapist doctor?.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Assalam o alikum I am 37 years and I take alcohol since 5 years daily 250ml approximately and I want to leave....Read more

الدكتور احمد اشكوكاني
Answered 17244 | Rating 98%
أنا حقيقي مش عارفه أنا فيا ايه دورت كتير و لقيت أن أقرب حاجه لل أنا فيه هي Borderline Personality Disorder ف....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
https://s3.jawab.app/chat/audios/2021/02/19/VfiBx07bEB17KyxpC6mwb91ceFbIY6WX612c85xW.m4a.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I need help with my marriage .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I am Adeel from pakidtan i want girl i want marriage i want only arabic.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
yzaann1430@gmail.com.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
1099207258.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Me at angry time i use too yelling my girlfriend too much after a min i start regret and my partner start....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hello how are you.Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
Hi . When i get nervous and worried about mum today because of a fight i just took a corner and kept saying....Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.8%
my son has been diagnose with psychosis and has been prescribed with pristiq. He still sees things and talks....Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.8%
how to handle wife.Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.8%
I need psychiatric .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How do i survive from coworkers mindgame .Read more

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9664 | Rating 98%
I am suspecting that I am suffering a depression. The symptoms that I have right now it concluding me that I....Read more

أحمد عوض
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9090 | Rating 97.5%
Can I completely get rid of social anxiety from therapy .Read more

سعيد نبهان
اخصائي نفسي
Answered 9664 | Rating 98%
I hate myself .Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Despite their many differences, the Greasers and Socs share some similarities. Both social groups engage in....Read more

أسماء زقوت
أخصائية نفسية
Answered 10142 | Rating 97.5%
انسانی زندگی کو سب سے زیادہ خطرہ کس سے لا حق ہے ؟.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Good morning .Read more

Waleed Al-Helo
Answered 108892 | Rating 98.1%
I have failed in an exam before, and I used to be an A+ student, but now I have lost my confidence, and....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
im tired. I just want to die. .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
لدي مشكلة لقد رسبت في امتحان مهم ولا يمكنني أخبار والدي وأصبحت نفسيتي بسبب هذا شيئ سيئة للغاية واكره حياتي كيف....Read more