Hello my question is about my 4 years old son here in dubai,he has a problem in behaviour,eyes contact,and....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What's going on with your computer or device? Hi What programs and versions are you using? Teen patti....Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.7%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I in Abu Dhabi Have you seen a doctor about this yet?....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! How can I help with your recruiting question? How to build myself up after failing over n over What....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.7%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
In my life nothing is going good .. Basically in my carrier...Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
https://goo.gl/search/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D9%84%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Every day never getting positive mind IAM not happy most....Read more

Dr. Raedah Hamdy
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 14449 | Rating 97.7%
hi I have a depression.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I want to change .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
It seems am in wrong place coz I was searching Aman who needs a lady for married,thanks.Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"&....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I spek Arabic Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
I have anxiety issues since long time , what should I do to overcome .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
My husband is not doing any job .Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I think I'm insane. Or maybe not. I talk to my self a lot.....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your recruiting question? I have some questions if u gave me answers ok and....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your recruiting question? SUhailkp What are your academic and practical qualif....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hello. I would like to ask about my small problem that now currently I am facing. I am working as engineer in....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
I am lately f.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
السلام عليكم يعطيك العافية احتاج أتكلم في موضوع مضايقني كثير و كل حد أوصاني ان لازم أتكلم مع دكتور نفسي .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I am drinking .Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
what could be happening to me? I'm 16 years old and I feel like there's something wrong with me, I don't know....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
What to about ocd ..i have ocd in every thingg.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I'm feeling too much depression and pressure... Head ache....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
How can handle family If u only?.Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
احنا تعبانين يا دكتور وزهقنا بجد والله بنمووت.Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How can i fight with stress.i am day dreamer and what to get rid of it.. .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What is your date of birth? 1988 july 17 What do you want to know about your horoscope (love, work,....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I what about Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
عندي مرض نتف الشعر و كيف أتعامل معاه لإني أشعر بالعجز و شعري ملئي بالفراغات و سمعت أن هذا المرض نفسي و ليس....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Sir you me help.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Asslam o alikum .Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? My husband is not keeping me happy ... he always follows his....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Is Homosexuality for men curable ? If Yes - what are the....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Dr. Rasha Omar
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 22972 | Rating 98.2%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? What is best pils for panic atact Have you seen a doctor....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I feel hopless, not ponding to my newborn baby, or other....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? This doctor were available in uae Have you seen a doctor....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi doctor Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hi Have you seen a doctor about this yet? What medicat....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? How I can be a good citizen Where are you located? It....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
i am looking for a muslim girl for marrage.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Wen i get married .Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
I want to check out any treatment My son has a psychological illness almost do not know I want to speak with....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Hi I need a psycholo.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
دكتور سلام عليكم شكرًا على هذا برنامج الجيد وأتمنى انا تسمع قصتي :من حوالي ٤ سنوات كنت أعاني كثير من الوحده....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I have Depression Have you seen a doctor about this yet?....Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? yes i need woman i can chat Where are you located? It....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
How do I became happy .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
What can i lof i'm oldess.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
انا عندى ٢٥ سنة ولدت وبعد الولادة ب ٣ ايام جاتلى جلطة فى المخ من واتعالجت الحمدلله وربنا كتبلى اعيش ومن قريب....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Doc if u don't make love to any man for maybe two years....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Well settle life .Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? Hello there, my concern is, every time there is something....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? Goodevening me and my husband have argument till now we r....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What kind of problem or issue would you like to discuss with the therapist?(i.e. Relationship....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I am feeling depressed when I got avoided by my best friend.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I'm looking for a psychiatrist Have you seen a doctor....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I always feel tired and i have no energy and i've lost interest in everything, what shall i do?.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Hello I lack of confidence and I have no one to talk.Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
I'm not sure about my wife and kids and thughtar .Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? I need family solution I want to be separate from joint....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! How can I help with your medical question? I feel isolated from my friends and I don't like meeting....Read more

Dr. Enas Baroud
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 25218 | Rating 98.7%
Good evening My name is mari, 29 years old, from Georgia . I got married two years ago with an Egyptian man....Read more

Dr. Saeed Nabhan
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 10120 | Rating 98.9%
My parents decided to divorce and I don't what this to happen..Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Click HeHe.Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
I am suffering from anxiety and depression from my childhood. The reason behinds this i think is my parents....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
Welcome! What's going on with your computer or device? Hi What programs and versions are you using? My....Read more

Alia Ahmed
Answered 47975 | Rating 98.1%
My help you .Read more

Dr. Mezyen Hussain
Certified Psychotherapist
Answered 17594 | Rating 98.6%
Ho r you my farind. My testaer to marezes to my halep plz. .Read more