انى وزني ما يقارب 92 وطولي فى178 هل يمكنك ان تعطينى افضل طريقه لخسارة الوزن.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What are some of the veggies I can consume in my early pregnancy .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I am in Abu dhabi 44 years old with 55kg. How to gain weight..Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Can smoking cause weight loss .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I have a big tummy .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi, I have recently done a blood test and my Thyroid T3, T4, and Anti-TPO were in the normal levels except my....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hy doctor I need help from you... Iam 22years old and my wieght is only 51 so please doctor give some idea to....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I want know a kind of food I should eat to make diet .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I will looking for jobs hotel do you have any hiring .Read more

Azzam Ezz Aldeen
Career Counselor
Answered 79380 | Rating 97.7%
I need good deit plan .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I'm just 18 year old and my weight is 97kg I want to reduce my weight but every exercise and remedy don't work....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
السلام عليكم دكتورة. عمري 30 سنة و لدي 3 اطفال مولودين قيصري آخر واحد من سنتين و نصف. الحمد لله جميع فحوصاتي....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
My kid 12 years old and over weight we have tried diet plan and not loosing what could be the root cause.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What fruit is well help for system every morning ?.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
سلام و عليكم I've a baby boy. He's a year and a half old.. Problem is he's not eating or drinking milk....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
كيفية زيادة الوزن.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Asslam O Allaikum I'm a married men, 25years old My problem is my not eating healthy foods since childhood and....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hello Doc, Do lump sugar have side effects.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Am a skinny guy i want to gain weight .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Doctor Idont hav card number, cvv, Exp yy.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I will increase my health and taking any medicine will increase my health.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Can cinnamon tube abort pregnancy? .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hello, how can l increase my body weight .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi Iam 6 weeks pregnant i ate bittergourd in the morning for breakfast but read that it's very harmful and....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Healthy hone k tips.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi doc i want to ask a vitamins how to gain weight .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Sir how to body build up.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Doctor l want to be fat.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Can ginger or garlic be used for prevention of transmitted disease?.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi i need a diet plan to reduce my weight? Can i take the following medicines to help me reduce the weight....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What can I do to have a flat tummy .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
My breast are too big and saggy can I get the any idea to reduce it..Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Good evening doc what kind of food I need to give for the patient type 2 diabetes .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What kind of fruits that benefits for Gout? .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I want to build muscles what is the best food do you advise me doctor.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
How to put on my weight now I'm so slim so please tell me which capsule I used.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What food baby eat to gain weight .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I am 2 month pregnent if I am eating painapple anything happend.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I have gout disease please which food should i eat.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi my daughter 8 years old but she is not eat always complain in I am not hungry I am not hungr y what type of....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What can I do to increase on my size am too small.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What are the advantages of taking green tea.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What should one eat with high boarder sugar level in pregnancy? .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi sir,my baby is very lean and whatever he is eating not shown in his body even his ribs also some times....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
My age 20 and my Wight 55 I'm gain this Wight .Read more

الدكتور محمد عسفة
Answered 12503 | Rating 98%
Im 26 years old married lady with underweight.. Can i take health tone capsule for weight gain.please give me....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
If you could only store one type of food in your pocket what would you carry and why?.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What is the diet for a pregnant woman in early pregnancy.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Which the best weight loss diet for gallstoners.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
good evening Dr please I want to really gain weight in 1 week .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
What l can do to reduce fats in my body?.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi doctor am mariam Am three weeks pregnant but is it good to drink karkade tea.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
23 old male patient had Neuro shunt surgery loosing his wight and became 40 kilos , loss his appetite Is the....Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
How can use pineapple to do abortion .Read more

Dr. Abd Alqader Al-Tahrawi
Licensed Doctor
Answered 47880 | Rating 97.8%
I am 36 years old im fat how can i diet food or what i eat to make slim my wieght now is 74.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
I want my buttocks to increase .Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
I want gain weight .Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
How can i chop weight without being on diet???.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi how are you.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
1111111111111111.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Hello,I have been losing weight drastically,I try to eat as much as I can but unfortunately the weight is not....Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
طولي ١٨٥ ورني ٥٨ عمري ٢٤ محتاج نظام غذائي لزيادة الوزن مع الرياضه .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Doctor I am very thin I want to gain my weight means I want a fit body so is there any medicines without....Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Hi i am fitness freak I want a diet to increase my strength and muscle mass and want to loose fat .Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
I have cholesterol what kind of food I well eat...Read more

Dr. Mohammad Derbeih
Licensed Physician
Answered 23118 | Rating 98.9%
I have cholesterol what kind of food l well eat?.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hello doctor My body is weak.i need some fat and healthy body..Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
I need a medical dat can help me eat well n grow nice.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
For deit plan a cva pateint.he is diabtic.Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
Please I want to get fat .Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
hello mam i want to gain weight .Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
Greetings. I am Tahir Sakhawat. My age 26 hight 5'2" weight 36 i want to gain my weight how can i do....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Im on a low carb diet (1200 to 1400 calories) I noticed after eating a green apple i feel very energertic and....Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Doc whats the food not allowed to eat if you have myoma.Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
Hi.. I am 20 years old. And i want to gain some weight. Just help me with the tips. Thanks.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
What about banana for sugar pts.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
hello experts.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Gtedt tesyt.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
I want to lose weight.Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi! I am a PCOs patient. Which diet should I follow? .Read more

Dr. Ebaa Nashnash
Answered 21366 | Rating 98.1%
Hi salam dear dr.. may i allah bless u and ur family ..i need ur help ...my 2year3m baby having law weight.....Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Morning sir my age is 25 I am 6 fet tall my weight is very low how I can gaining my wait plz help.Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
Good evening to you Doctor, I want to enlarge on size of my hips and buttocks, any advice please .Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Pls btn new user inapp p test.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
hi i want to increas my height can you help mr.Read more

Dr. Doaa Hajeen
Answered 38055 | Rating 97.9%
After 3rd month of c section delivery what nutraition should i take yo get back my health again i am feelng....Read more

Raafat Al Saadi
Career Counselor
Answered 36100 | Rating 98.8%
iam women 35 years old i am over weight with 89 Kg and 165 cm, i am suffered from ovarian cysts, i am trying....Read more

Belal Othman
Licensed Doctor
Answered 15052 | Rating 98%
I m 35 years old and I have 5 9 height my weight is only 58 kg I want to increase my weight .Read more

Raafat Al Saadi
Career Counselor
Answered 36100 | Rating 98.8%
Hello doctor Doctor I had dnc and also have pcod I am 35 year old my gynecologist told me to go to a....Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
Sir ..I need to gain my weight..pls advise me sir.Read more

صفاء المحتسب
اخصائي تغذيه
Answered 6499 | Rating 98.2%
My ege 28 weghit 57 hight 5.7 I need to weight gainer can you help me.Read more